

Rakhim Aitbayev

Many phenomena in sciences and engineering are described by partial differential equations (pd). Exact solutions of most of real world 问题 are often very difficult or 不可能获得. 这类问题的解可以用数值方法近似求得 方法. Numerical Methods for Solving PDEs is a vast area which deals with numerical errors, computational stability, parallel algorithms, efficient computation, and solution 挑战多物理场问题. 我的研究兴趣如下 areas of Numerical PDEs: orthogonal spline collocation method, iterative 方法 for solving large sparse systems of equations, numerical solution of nonlinear elliptic PDEs, numerical solution of non-self-adjoint or indefinite 问题, and interface 问题.
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I work on 问题 at the intersection of global analysis on manifolds, Riemannian 几何与数学物理. 我的研究的主要部分是致力于 study of spectral asymptotics of elliptic partial differential operators on manifolds via heat kernel 方法 and to the application of these 方法 to various 问题 of spectral geometry, mathematical physics, quantum field theory, quantum gravity 金融数学.
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My research interests are in optimization and applications of optimization techniques 在反问题中.  在优化方面,我的研究涉及到内点法 for linear and semi-definite programming with applications in integer programming.  The work on parameter estimation and inverse 问题 has involved optimization, statistics, 和吉洪诺夫正则化.
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My main research interests are in the area of mathematical 建模. 特别是, I have been involved in the mathematical 建模 of processes that emerge from life sciences such as epidemics, diseases, social behaviors, viruses and cellular systems. It is important to remark that, life sciences are expanding and the related topics 呈指数增长.  当今的生命科学问题已经成为一个巨大的问题 source of mathematical 问题 for different areas of mathematics. 事实就是如此 necessary to create interdisciplinary groups to solve the challenge 问题 that 出现. The main mathematical tools that I have been using for research are nonlinear dynamical systems, differential equations, numerical 方法, discrete mathematics, probability, stochastic processes, scientific computing, and numerical analysis. In particular I have applied these tools to study the dynamics of influenza, Chagas, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Chikungunya, Toxoplasmosis, obesity, crime, rumors 和其他人.
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My research focuses mostly on diagnostic 方法 以及它们的应用 to reliability 工程模型. 这两个领域在统计研究中是至关重要的 社区,并在技术院校也很有利. 在过去的几年里, I have focused on other fields of statistics; the most attention has been given to cover theory and applications of multivariate analysis, survival estimation, Bayesian 估计和可靠性.
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My research focuses on determining analytic solutions of Boundary Value Problems. For example, the types of mixed BVP's which 出现 in analyzing the stress field in the vicinity of a crack, or in the study of flow past an obstruction. 我现在 working with the Electrical and Microsystems 建模 group at Sandia National Lab. 我致力于解决BVP,也就是紧凑模型. 紧凑型汽车的发展 models that can simulate the excess carrier dynamics in undepleted semiconductor regions are important for many applications, including photonic and power devices.
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Modeling complex multidimensional data; in particular, spatial data. 降水 建模. 地质统计学. 生物信息学. 统计咨询.
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Saulo Orizaga

My research interests are in the area of applied and computational mathematics. My work often relies on the use of mathematical 建模 to describe a physical problem of interest and the use of theoretical and numerical techniques to obtain deeper understanding 得到问题的解. 我一直对跨学科很感兴趣 research studies which fosters my strongly held belief that the use of advanced mathematics 对其他相关研究领域有益吗. 作为一名应用数学家,我很享受 working with applied and computational 问题 of high interest in the scientific 社区和一般人群. 我的研究领域和兴趣与 three main active computational projects: phase field 建模, electrically driven 射流和血流模型. 我也对设计更好的教学策略感兴趣 对于代表性不足的群体.

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W.D. 石头

My research interests are Mathematical Biology and Mathematical Modeling. 最近 我越来越多地研究流体建模. 在过去的几年里,我 have had students working on 建模 of glaciers, size-structured populations, age-distribution of groundwater, resonances in the plasmosphere, and other areas of 建模.
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My research is centered at partial differential equations and dynamical systems along 他们的应用. 我对无限维空间特别感兴趣 dynamical systems generated by deterministic and stochastic PDEs defined in bounded 或者无界域. My current work has involved random attractors, invariant manifolds, random periodic solutions and random almost periodic solutions for equations driven 同时受到确定性和随机强迫的影响.
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My research interests are dynamical systems, nonlinear partial differential equations 以及它们的应用. 目前,我主要研究几何奇异的应用 Perturbation Theory to Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) models for ionic flows through 膜通道. For the PNP problem, together with bifurcation analysis and numerical simulations, I mainly focus on (i) the current-voltage (I-V) relations, of particular interest are the effect on I-V relations from finite sizes, ion valences, small permanent charges and channel geometry including random perturbation; and (ii) multiple solutions 以及相应的稳定性问题.
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